Go to place: The Old Spaghetti House

The Old Spaghetti House is one of my ultimate go to restaurants
because every since i discovered this food haven years back, it yet to disappoint me. Let's just say that the greatest feature of the restaurant best great food is there family-oriented service.
Eating at The Old Spaghetti House is like at home but with food service. The menu for one is great, with loads of pastas, pastries and delicious juices and shakes. When ever I eat there with my parents its like an extension of our home because the cozy environment it offers. It allows us to lounge over delightful feasts and good and long conversations.
And by referring to good feasts I am talking about their trio treats which is our favorite order since it has bits of everything like the classic spaghetti which has rich tomato sauce flavor topped with monster sized meatballs. Another plate includes the garlic chicken sticks which is basically chicken meat wrapped in golden crisp bread crumbs topped with bits of parsley. Lastly, thin slices of the classic favorite pepperoni and cheese pizza! Even by just writing the whole food experience makes me drool as a type along and hallucinate about eating at the restaurant.
for finding ways on how to get this awesome food experience visit their facebok page at:http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Old-Spaghetti-House/292111203469


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