Metro Food Escapade

Summer this year was quite an experience, for it was no longer the typical vacation rather we had to work for our school internship. Being in Manila for my internship at Storyline ABS-CBN was an exciting and memorable experience on its own but it was made better with new travel and food discoveries I have made. It is imperative after all that when you are in a new place you always figure out new places to go to but more importantly new food finds to delight your palette.

My desire to find delectable dishes took me to the most typical food locations such as the different malls in the metro but there were also those amazing streets where restaurants and cafes were lined up just waiting to be discovered and enjoyed by food lovers just like me.

Every new dish that I tried had this simple of way of completing my day and made a lasting great impression in my mind.

I am a person who is more than just a glutton rather I am a person who loves food because of the feeling of satisfaction it gives and how it finds a way to make people come together to dine and have an amazing personal and lasting memory may be it be on their own or with people whom they enjoy having company with.

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